Dreamcatcher Demonstrates Today (29th) Announcement of ‘Paradise’ for First Solo Singles

Si-yeon, a member of the group’s Dreamcatcher, will embark on her first solo career.

Demonstrations will release their solo single “Paradise” on various online music sites at noon on Monday and greet fans after a long time.

Poetry’s solo single “Paradise” is a song that conveys a message of consolation to modern people who are oppressed by repeated realities and feel lonely. It is an electronic pop genre, with melodic refrain and the ensuing cins melody comprehensively expressing the theme of the song.

Demonstrations that have received special attention for their outstanding singing skills in Dreamcatcher and MBC’s “King of Mask Singer.” Since the release of the solo track, which will be the first time since its debut, fans in Korea as well as around the world have already been receiving heated responses.

In particular, the demonstration took part in writing lyrics as well as composing songs, and instilled deep sincerity into the special message of “Paradise.” On top of that, LEEZ and Ollounder, which have drawn together the world of Dreamcatcher, joined “Paradise” to add its meaning.

Meanwhile, “Paradise,” the first solo single by Dreamcatcher, will be available on various online music sites starting at noon today.

Reference by: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/now/article/311/0001104747