Weki Meki is making a comeback today (20th).Teen Crush → Girl Spirit Transformation

Weki Meki is making a comeback today (20th).Teen Crush → Girl Spirit Transformation

The group, Weki Meki, will make a comeback with its digital single “DAZZLE DAZZLE” at 6 p.m. today (20th). Since its debut, Weki Meki, who has been much loved as the flagship player of “Teen Crush,” is set to transform into a vibrant “Girl Spirit.”

“DAZZLE DAZZLE” is a song that reveals Weki Meki’s colorful yet unconventional “Glossy Funky” and means to show the dynamic and three-dimensional charm of eight Weki Meki members.

The title track “DAZZLE DAZZLE” is a hybrid pop dance genre with elements of hip-hop and Mumbai. In addition, the catchy lyrics of the repeated catchy chorus “Dazzle Dazzle Dazzle Me” blend with the members’ unique voices, giving them a sense of confident and energetic energy.

Furthermore, the music video is known to express a special ritual of letting go of the obvious and ordinary things and welcoming ‘DAZZZLE DAZZLE’ – raising the curiosity of many fans.

Weki Meki, which announced its comeback by releasing a surprise teaser for coming up on the 12th, preheated the comeback mood by uploading various contents sequentially. In particular, Weki Meki, who pre-released the choreography through the performance film on Wednesday, once again proved the modifier “calm dance masters” by venting out its unique overflowing energy.

Weki Meki, who never fails to meet expectations for every comeback, is drawing attention to the stronger and more powerful side that they will show through this promotion.

Reference by: http://naver.me/FIOB77aT

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