Nam Tae-hyun said, “I’m hacked, too. I wanted to stop them for the people I met.”

Nam Tae-hyun apologized on his knees to WINNER fans.

Nam Tae-hyun, a member of the group’s South Club, communicated with fans through an Instagram live broadcast on Feb. 10.

Nam Tae-hyun said, “I hope you understand that I’m speaking informally for friendly communication. Then, it will be more enjoyable and more interactive content. Please don’t take it ill,” he said hello.

Nam Tae-hyun said, “I’m sorry that I haven’t been able to visit you lately. Everyone in our company is working hard. I’m working hard to get good results. We’re working hard to prepare for that because we want to show you more than a few times the results, a great performance,” he said.

Nam Tae-hyun said, “I’ve gotten a lot ugly. When we make a comeback in March, we will go back to WINNER’s early visuals. Please hang in there. I miss my fans so much. I’m not that ugly. He is a man of business ethics. If I say this, they’ll say, ‘On a two-legged subject,’ but there’s a lot of talk about that story,” he said.

Nam Tae-hyun said, “Hacking has been rampant these days. I was hacked, too. From my personal information to all the photos of the people I met. It was so amazing. But I’ve never committed a crime or done drugs. But I wanted to stop them for the people I was involved with. Frankly speaking, I have nothing to lose. I thought it was logical that I met him. What did they do wrong?”

Nam Tae-hyun said, “I came out of the group WINNER and I am wrong. The fans deserve to be angry because they couldn’t stand it and looked clueless. I feel sorry for the first time. I really apologize,” he said, kneeling down and bowing to the fans.

Nam Tae-hyun said, “So please don’t hate me too much. Every day is so scary,” he added.

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